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Valider 6c76fc3f rédigé par Fil's avatar Fil
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maintenance : "merge", dans la branche spip-1.8.2, des patches suivants :

[4690] (par multi)
[4695] (bug windows)
[4696] (appel de soi-meme)
[4697] (tables a effacer)
[4700] (bug blocs multi)
[4706] (bug effacement IMG)
[4726] (bug ereg)

- commandes employees :
svn merge -r 4689:4690 spip/ branches/spip-1.8.2/
svn merge -r 4694:4697 spip/ branches/spip-1.8.2/
svn merge -r 4699:4700 spip/ branches/spip-1.8.2/
svn merge -r 4705:4706 spip/ branches/spip-1.8.2/
svn merge -r 4725:4726 spip/ branches/spip-1.8.2/
parent 9b9da7e9
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